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Configuring the Build System

Nectar exploits leverages Zig's flexible build system1 to allow for great cross-platform support.

To start configuring, we want to create an enum of all the plugin formats we're targetting:

const PluginType = enum {
// More formats coming soon

Then, we want to add nectar as a package:

pub fn build(b: * void {
const mode = b.standardReleaseOptions();

const nectar ={
.name = "nectar",
.source = .{ .path = "libs/nectar/src/main.zig" },
.dependencies = &.{
.{ .name = "nectar:core", .source = .{ .path = "libs/nectar/core/src/main.zig" } },
.{ .name = "nectar:midi", .source = .{ .path = "libs/nectar/midi/src/main.zig" } },
.{ .name = "nectar:vst2", .source = .{ .path = "libs/nectar/vst2/src/main.zig" } },

// snip

In a coming-soon version, adding this package will become significantly easier (I'm just still working out the details)

After adding the package, we want to iterate through all of our plugin targets. In Zig, we can use std.meta.tags() to get every tag value of an enum. Using that function, we can setup up all of our targets:

pub fn build(b: * void {
// snip (after defining nectar)
for (std.meta.tags(PluginType)) |tag| {
const lib = b.addSharedLibrary(
"name-" ++ @tagName(tag),



const options = b.addOptions();
options.addOption(PluginType, "pluginType", tag);

lib.addOptions("build_options", options);

const cmd_step = b.step(@tagName(tag), "Build a " ++ @tagName(tag) ++ " plugin");

In one foul swoop, we generate a build target for every target that we support.


That little lib.addOptions() call uses some zig magic to create a package of options dynamically, and then make them available under the name build_options

Later on, we're going to use these options to do some conditional compilation (converting our generic Plugin wrapper to a format specific one). This setup is really cursed and probably not permanent; But it's how we do it for now, so just roll with it.

  1. Fear not, it also exploits many other Zig tools, like comptime and metaprogramming